Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Holiday Yard Decorations

When I was growing up, I remember helping my mother decorate the inside and outside of our house for Christmas.

We painted ornaments and reindeer on all of the windows (even the garage windows).My father and brothers were in charge of the wooden Santa Claus and elves that were attached to the chimney. We had a wooden soldier, standing at the front door, holding a box for the mailman to deliver our holiday mail. Of course, there were lights on the edges of the roof.

Many people are more extravagant, and have automated figures on the lawns, that move to music coming through loud speakers. Some of these decorations take weeks to plan and to put up.

You may feel that you do not have the time or energy to be tackling such decorations this holiday. You might want to think about creating a yard sign to express your holiday wishes to your neighbors.

My offering to you is a yard sign designating the lawn as a "Landing site" for Santa and his sleigh. You can personalize the text, on the reverse side, with your family name "Ho...Ho...Ho... Merry Christmas the Muirs"

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